Access to all information in the INDEX. Email us with any questions at any time.
Receive Source Access instantly, including:
- Ability to request sources for vetting by us (requesting HPLC testing costs extra).
- Access to our list of sources including reputable UGLs, and a pharmacy source.
- Wide range of products and manufacturers, including Bayer, Aspen and Pfizer, as well as cheaper options.
- Products range from almost any anabolic androgenic steroids in existence to a variety of ancillaries and peptides such as BPC-157, HGH, nootropics and more.
- You will also be able to ask any questions about safe ordering practices, privacy, cryptocurrency payments, product verification, and safe injection procedures. You'll have all the information you need to safely order and take PEDs.
We recommend buying the All-Inclusive package or the Complete PEDs subscription if you would also like to know how to best utilise your nutrition, recovery and training when combined with PEDs. You can upgrade from Source Access at no extra cost.